Risk 360

Why Companies Must Get an Annual Risk Culture Profile of Every Employee with the RMAT®

In the modern business landscape, managing risk effectively is not just a strategic necessity but a fundamental operational imperative. Organizations face a wide array of risks—operational, strategic, financial, and compliance-related—that can have significant implications for their performance and sustainability. The ability to anticipate, understand, and mitigate these risks hinges on a crucial, yet often overlooked, factor: the risk culture within the organization. Risk culture refers to the values, beliefs, and behaviors that determine how an organization and its employees perceive, understand, and manage risk. 

One of the most innovative and credible tools available for assessing and enhancing risk culture within organizations is the Risk Management Aptitude Test (RMAT®), developed by the Institute of Risk Management’s (IRM) India Affiliate. This tool provides a comprehensive profile of each employee’s risk culture, which can be instrumental in optimizing organizational performance and resilience. Here’s why every company should conduct an annual risk culture profile of every employee using RMAT®.

Understanding Risk Culture

Before delving into the benefits of the RMAT®, it’s essential to understand why risk culture matters. Risk culture shapes how risks are identified, assessed, and managed. It influences decision-making processes, the openness of communication regarding risks, and the overall effectiveness of risk management practices. A positive risk culture encourages proactive risk management, where potential issues are identified early, and mitigation strategies are implemented swiftly. Conversely, a weak risk culture can lead to complacency, poor decision-making, and a heightened exposure to risk.

What is RMAT®?

The RMAT® is a proprietary diagnostic tool designed to assess an individual’s risk management aptitude and their inherent approach to risk. It evaluates various aspects of risk culture including risk perception, risk tolerance, decision-making processes, and the ability to manage uncertainty. RMAT® provides a detailed risk culture profile for each employee, which helps organizations understand how different individuals perceive and handle risk.

Importance of Annual Risk Culture Profiling

1. Aligning Risk Attitudes with Organizational Goals

Every organization has its own risk appetite— the level of risk it is willing to accept in pursuit of its objectives. To achieve alignment between individual risk attitudes and organizational risk appetite, it’s crucial to understand the risk culture of each employee. An annual RMAT® assessment helps in mapping out how each employee’s risk profile aligns with the company’s overall risk strategy. This alignment ensures that employees are in roles that suit their risk tolerance and decision-making style, promoting a cohesive approach to risk management.

2. Enhancing Decision-Making

Effective risk management relies heavily on sound decision-making. Employees with different risk profiles contribute to decision-making processes in unique ways. By understanding these profiles through RMAT®, organizations can leverage the strengths of their workforce more effectively. For instance, risk-averse individuals might excel in roles that require meticulous attention to detail and adherence to regulations, such as compliance or internal auditing. Conversely, those with a higher risk tolerance might thrive in strategic roles that involve innovation and exploration, such as business development or mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

3. Optimizing Role Assignments

One of the most practical applications of RMAT® is in optimizing the delegation of authority and assigning roles that align with individual risk profiles. For example, placing a highly risk-averse individual in a fast-paced, high-risk environment like M&A might lead to stress and suboptimal performance. On the other hand, assigning them to a role that involves risk assessment, where their cautious approach and attention to detail are strengths, could be highly beneficial. RMAT® provides the insights needed to make such informed decisions, ensuring that employees are placed in roles where their risk culture profile complements their job requirements.

4. Fostering a Proactive Risk Culture

Annual risk culture profiling with RMAT® encourages a proactive approach to risk management. It highlights areas where training or development might be needed to strengthen the organization’s overall risk capabilities. By regularly assessing and addressing gaps in risk management aptitude, organizations can foster a culture that is vigilant and responsive to emerging risks. This proactive stance is critical in today’s dynamic business environment, where the ability to adapt to new risks can provide a competitive advantage.

5. Supporting Leadership and Governance

Understanding the risk culture profiles of employees is particularly valuable for leadership and governance. It aids in building a leadership team that is balanced in its approach to risk, ensuring that strategic decisions are well-rounded and considerate of various risk perspectives. Furthermore, it supports governance frameworks by ensuring that risk management practices are embedded at all levels of the organization, not just at the top. This comprehensive integration of risk culture into governance processes enhances the organization’s resilience and long-term stability.

Case Example: RMAT® in Action

To illustrate the practical benefits of RMAT®, consider the example of a multinational company that implemented annual RMAT® assessments. The company discovered that several employees in their R&D department had a higher risk tolerance than those in their compliance department. By understanding these profiles, the company was able to reassign some R&D employees to roles involving innovation and product development, while compliance staff were better positioned to handle regulatory and operational risks. This strategic realignment resulted in more efficient and effective risk management practices across the company, improved employee satisfaction by aligning roles with their risk profiles, and ultimately contributed to better organizational performance.

Implementing RMAT®: Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of RMAT®, companies should consider the following best practices:

1. Integration into HR Processes

Integrate RMAT® into existing HR processes such as recruitment, performance reviews, and career development. This integration ensures that risk culture assessments are not one-off exercises but are embedded into the fabric of the organization’s talent management strategy.

2. Training and Development

Use the insights gained from RMAT® to inform training and development programs. For example, employees identified as having a lower risk tolerance could benefit from training that enhances their ability to manage uncertainty and make decisions under pressure.

3. Regular Updates

Conduct RMAT® assessments annually to capture changes in risk profiles that may occur due to personal development, changes in the business environment, or evolving organizational roles. Regular updates ensure that risk culture profiling remains relevant and actionable.

4. Communication and Feedback

Provide feedback to employees about their RMAT® results and discuss how these insights can be used for personal and professional growth. Open communication about risk culture helps build a transparent and trusting work environment.

5. Tailored Risk Management Strategies

Use RMAT® data to tailor risk management strategies to different departments and teams. Recognize that different functions within the organization may have varying risk cultures and develop strategies that address these differences effectively.


In conclusion, the annual risk culture profiling of every employee using the RMAT® is a powerful strategy for enhancing organizational risk management. By understanding and leveraging the diverse risk profiles of employees, companies can align risk attitudes with organizational goals, optimize role assignments, enhance decision-making, and foster a proactive risk culture. This approach not only improves risk management practices but also contributes to overall organizational resilience and performance. As the business environment continues to evolve, adopting innovative tools like RMAT® will be crucial for companies striving to stay ahead of the curve in managing risk effectively.


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