Event_id: 8
Name: Free info-session on careers in risk management
Img: event-8040853973Free_info_session_on_careers_in_risk_management.png
Learn more about careers in risk management. How can you become a certified enterprise risk professional? How do I prepare for the IRM's global exams? What does it mean to work in a risk domain? What are the salaries? and much more. Join us in the free interactive info-session and get answers to all your queries.
Date: 2022-03-12
Starttime: 10:00 AM
Endtime: 10:30 AM
Location: virtual
Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApdeuprTMvEtECYh43_qRJmUgA1-S-cEh2
Category: Free
Price: 0
Seats: 0
Type: Academic
Audience: Students
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Know more link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuc-6upj4uE9z8UF2UZ6GgX0D_4vhHjhPx
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Aseem SidhuSenior Manager- Admissions & ExaminationsIRM India Affiliatespkr-4801979674IRM_-_Corporate_Event_2_0_(46).pngEvent_id: 9
Name: Free info-session on careers in risk management
Img: event-1357899169Info-Session_(2).png
Learn more about careers in risk management. How can you become a certified enterprise risk professional? How do I prepare for the IRM's global exams? What does it mean to work in a risk domain? What are the salaries? and much more.
Join us in the free interactive info-session and get answers to all your queries.
Date: 2022-04-23
Starttime: 11:00 AM
Endtime: 12:00 PM
Location: virtual
Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuc-6upj4uE9z8UF2UZ6GgX0D_4vhHjhPx
Category: Free
Price: 0
Seats: 0
Type: Academic
Audience: Students
Know more title:
Know more desc:
Know more link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuc-6upj4uE9z8UF2UZ6GgX0D_4vhHjhPx
Register desc:
Aseem SidhuSenior Manager- Admissions & ExaminationsIRM India Affiliatespkr-4801979674IRM_-_Corporate_Event_2_0_(46).pngLearn more about careers in risk management. How can you become a certified enterprise risk professional? How do I prepare for the IRM's global exams? What does it mean to work in a risk domain? What are the salaries? and much more. Join us in the free interactive info-session and get answers to all your queries.