Event_id: 15
Name: Perspectives on Environmental and Social Governance Reporting
Img: event-1086978715WhatsApp_Image_2022-11-30_at_19_03_02.jpeg
What does effective Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) reporting look like?
With the UK and India leading in Environmental and Social Governance reporting, the IRM's ESG group are joining forces with the IRM's India Group to host a webinar on providing 'Perspectives on Environmental and Social Governance Reporting'.
This session will focus on good organisational governance and global challenges being faced by organisations across different sectors and the world with our speakers providing risk professionals with their respective views of principles and practices for effective ESG reporting.
Date: 2022-12-14
Starttime: 04:30 PM
Endtime: 05:30 PM
Location: virtual
Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcOqprDMuEtRzQ05yXuCrWZTytyhm07lV
Category: Free
Price: 0
Seats: 0
Type: IRM India Regional Group
Audience: Professionals
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Know more link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcOqprDMuEtRzQ05yXuCrWZTytyhm07lV
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Mr. Shailesh HaribhaktiChairmanShailesh Haribhakti & Associatesspkr-8876674990shailesh.pngWhat does effective Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) reporting look like?
With the UK and India leading in Environmental and Social Governance reporting, the IRM's ESG group are joining forces with the IRM's India Group to host a webinar on providing 'Perspectives on Environmental and Social Governance Reporting'.
This session will focus on good organisational governance and global challenges being faced by organisations across different sectors and the world with our speakers providing risk professionals with their respective views of principles and practices for effective ESG reporting.