Event_id: 10
Name: Unlocking Risk Management bandwidth with technology
Img: event-3190846551WhatsApp_Image_2022-06-09_at_4_29_57_PM_(2).jpeg
Companies have been grappling with two key risk management challenges - understanding their real cost of risk and deriving value from their ERM programs. The pandemic has only accelerated this pressure on their risk management teams.
Join this session to learn how technology can be a great enabler to unlock bandwidth for yourself and your organisations.
*Exclusively for CROs, CFOs, Directors, Risk Management professionals, Heads of Audit and Head of Insurance
Date: 2022-07-08
Starttime: 04:30 PM
Endtime: 06:00 PM
Location: virtual
Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqc-uspzMsEtyKTiNEM_O67afO_xEMlbUW
Category: Free
Price: 0
Seats: 0
Type: Industry
Audience: CROs and Risk Leaders
Know more title: test
Know more desc:
Know more link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqc-uspzMsEtyKTiNEM_O67afO_xEMlbUW
Register desc: Limited Seats. Register Now.
SETHU S RAMAN Senior Vice President & Chief Risk OfficerMphasis Limitedspkr-1026331356JobSuccess_(30).pngCompanies have been grappling with two key risk management challenges - understanding their real cost of risk and deriving value from their ERM programs. The pandemic has only accelerated this pressure on their risk management teams.
Join this session to learn how technology can be a great enabler to unlock bandwidth for yourself and your organisations.
*Exclusively for CROs, CFOs, Directors, Risk Management professionals, Heads of Audit and Head of Insurance